Pan to save the land

Sunday, 11 September 2016

The Surrey Village, Lopinot steelband, ably led by Amrit Samaroo, is teaming up with Pan Trinbago’s Eastern Region to stage a mammoth steelband gospel parade on Saturday, October 1.

MHTL Starlift to host Panel Discussion on Pan

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

MHTL Starlift Steel Orchestra will host a Panel Discussion on the topic of 'The History of Pan, Its Future and Potential' at 7PM on Wednesday, September 14 at its Pan Yard, off Mucurapo Road, Port of Spain.

Pan Trinbago Forges International Union

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

On August 04th and 05th, 2015; Pan Trinbago at its International Business Conference, established an alliance with eight (8) of the leading steelpan markets, including North America, the United Kingdom and the Caribbean.

Pan on the Avenue was a hit

Friday, 2 September 2016

PAN Month 2016 continued this weekend with the successful staging of Pan on the Avenue 5 by the Woodbrook St James Community Association on Ariapita Avenue Woodbrook. Several of the nation's top steel orchestras from severall zones paraded on Ariapita Avenue for thousands of patrons. Several players/percussionists were honoured for their contribution to the music before the parade.

FCL Text to Vote Presentation

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

The persons who texted the most for the FCL People's Choice Text to Vote Competition were awarded their prizes on Monday 22nd August, 2016.  

Pan Trinbago's Interfaith Service

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Pan Trinbago hosts Interfaith service to commemorate the 24th Anniversary of the Declaration of the Steelpan as the National Instrument of Trinidad and Tobago.

Pan Bits From Around The World ...